I. Esteria

Game - Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished Omen

The beginning of Adol's adventures.Adol Christin, age seventeen, was gazing out to sea at the Stormwall which appeared around the island Esteria six months ago. Determined to investigate the situation, Adol sets off towards Esteria on a small boat; however, it is sunk by the storm and Adol washes up on the shore of Esteria. He is saved by a villager named Slaff from the port town of Barbado. Adol recuperates in the home of Barbado's doctor and learns that Slaff is both the doctor's son and the head of the town's militia. The militia was formed when demons and monsters appeared on the island, at the same time as when the Stormwall formed. The Stormwall cut Esteria off from the rest of the world and completely halted the trade of silver, which is mined on the island.Adol sets out to find out more about the island's situation in the largest town of Minea. There, he encounters a female troubadour named Reah. Reah is searching for her Silver Harmonica, which had been stolen, part of a rash of silver thefts that have occurred in the town. Linked with the thefts are sightings of a man in a dark cape. Adol then encounters the fortune-teller Sara, who tells him that she had a vision that a fiery-headed swordsman who would play a key role in Esteria's fate. She tells Adol of the six Books of Ys, named after the ancient kingdom that existed on the island seven hundred years ago. The Books of Ys contain the complete history of the rise and fall of Ys and will be instrumental in saving Esteria. Sara informs Adol that one book is in the Shrine of Solomon and sends him to the town of Zepik to speak with her aunt Jeba to learn more.In Zepik, Jeba gives Adol the Key to the Shrine. Adol also meets the mayor of Zepik, and learns that the town's treasured Silver Bells have been stolen. The Silver Bells gave off a sound that drove evil away, and without it, Zepik is vulnerable to demon attack. Adol assumes a mission from the mayor to negotiate the return of the bells from a bandit group in the area. When Adol meets with the bandit leader Goban however, Goban protests that his group only steals from the corrupt to give to the poor, and that in fact all of the bandits' silver possessions have been stolen from them. Adol leaves them and enters the Shrine of Solomon.Adol fights through demons through the Shrine of Solomon. In the lower levels, he rescues a young girl with long blue hair locked in a cell. The girl reveals that her name is Feena, and that a man with a dark cape imprisoned her there, but otherwise she has no memories about her past. Adol takes Feena to be looked after by Jeba, before returning to the Shrine, where he discovers the first Book of Ys on the lowest level. Returning to Minea, he finds that Sara has been murdered during his absence, with the culprit being a man in a dark cape. Sara had however already given her most important possession to a friend to present to Adol - the second Book of Ys. It is revealed that Reah was the one who has Sara's Book of Ys, and she returns it to Adol in exchange for her Silver Harmonica. He is then directed to the mine of the ruined village of Rastin for the third book. Adol sets off to the mine and recovers that third Book from its depths, and returns to Zepik. There, he finds Feena recovering under Jeba's care.Jeba and her family are descendants of the Ys priest Tovah, and thus Jeba is able to read the ancient text in the Books of Ys to Adol. The three books narrate the story of the creation of Cleria in ancient Ys, which brought great prosperity to the land. However, one day great hordes of demons suddenly appeared and attacked. An evil leader with six greater demons led the evil forces. The people of Ys retreated to the Temple of Solomon where they were besieged. During the siege the twin Goddesses of Ys suddenly disappeared from the Temple, and soon after the evil hordes also disappeared. The six Priests of Ys created the Books of Ys and imbued with magical power so that one day they might guide a hero to save the land of Ys. The people of Ys then reasoned that Cleria had been what attracted the evil and so buried it deep in the ground. Following this, Jeba tells Adol that the remaining books of Ys must be located in the great Tower of Darm, a towering structure which rises up to the clouds. The tower is nicknamed 'The Devil's Tower' and it stands in front of a giant crater named Bagyu Ba'dead.The bandit leader Goban is revealed to be Jeba's son, and the bandits' lair was set up in at the entrance of the Tower of Darm to protect the island after the demons appeared. Goban opens the entrance for Adol, noting that his lieutenant Dogi was also somewhere in the tower, having previously entered with other bandits in a successful attempt to destroy the monsters in the tower. Adol climbs the tower, but is soon caught by a magic trap which teleports him into a prison cell. The cell is occupied by Luta Gemma, a sleepwalking poet from Zepik who was captured by the monsters. They are soon rescued by Dogi, who is able to punch through walls with his bare hands. Dogi sends Adol to seek a man named Raba on the upper floors. Raba was a scholar visiting Esteria who was inside the Tower of Darm, studying its history, when the demons suddenly appeared. Raba gives Adol a magical amulet which allows Adol to bypass the traps of the tower. In addition, Luta is a descendant of the ancient Ys priest Gemma, and Adol is given another amulet with the power to dispel magic seals. Adol climbs further, finding two more books along the way. Near the top of the tower, Adol discovers that Reah is also in the tower, having let herself be captured and brought there so she could give Adol a magic monocle which would allow him to read the language of the Books of Ys.After reaching the top of the tower, Adol finally confronts the final antagonist – Dark Fact, a descendant of the ancient Priest Fact. Dark Fact boasts that Adol's efforts to collect the books have only helped his plan, and that once he took Adol's five books and combined them with his own, a great power would be revealed. The two fight, and Adol is victorious. In the folds of Dark Fact's cloak, Adol finds the final Book of Ys. As Adol uses the Monocle to read the entire set of books, a powerful white light fills his vision, and a feeling of serenity overcomes him. The monsters in the land dissolve into air, leaving it at peace. The words in the books begin to disappear and the forms of the Goddesses begin to materialize before him (it is noted that Adol does not recognize the Goddesses' faces). Adol rests and decides to tell Feena all that he has seen as soon as he returns to Zepik. Slowly, the white light envelopes his entire body.

II. Ys

Game - Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished – Final chapter

The story of Ys II continues off immediately from the end of Ys I. The game begins with an animated cutscene showing figures in a dark room talking to a glowing orb about Adol. They are impressed by his having conquered the Tower of Darm, and decide to continue to observe him. The view then shifts to the final moments of Ys I, with light emanating from the Books of Ys and surrounding Adol. Adol then suddenly is flown high into the sky by the magic from the books, as Feena and Reah watch from a cliff outside the tower. The magic energy deposits Adol and the Books of Ys in a flash of light in a field, where he is discovered by a girl. The view pulls back to show that Adol has landed on an island floating in the air.A flashback to 700 years ago is shown: the two Goddesses of Ys are standing around a large glowing orb with their eyes closed, deep in concentration. Outside, a horde of demons lays siege to their location. A flying island is created, and soars high up into the sky, leaving a great crater behind. In the modern day, this island floats far above the Tower of Darm.When Adol wakes up, he weakly asks the girl where he is. She tells him that her name is Lilia and that he is in Ys. Adol is brought to Lance Village and recuperates in Lilia's home. When he wakes up, Lilia's mother tells him about Ys and the surrounding area. Lilia's mother also asks Adol to deliver a letter to the town doctor, Dr. Flair, discussing Lilia's illness. Speaking to villagers of Lance, he learns that demons appeared on the island six months ago, which forced the villagers to abandon the nearby Rasteenie mines. In addition, most of the villagers are unaware that there is a world outside of Ys.Adol goes to the town clinic to look for the doctor, but the doctor is not present. Suddenly, a flying pigeon arrives at the clinic bearing a message from the doctor, which states that he has been trapped in the Rasteenie mines by a cave in as he was picking herbs. Adol is asked to rescue the doctor from the mines, as only Adol could fight the demons inside. Adol agrees, and meets with the elder of the village to gain permission to enter the mines. The elder consents, but also mentions that he briefly saw two girls that resembled the Goddesses while walking in the ruins surrounding the mines. The elder also tells Adol that his having possession of the Books of Ys shows that he was guided by the spirits of the Priests of Ys to the island. The elder reveals to Adol that there is a place called the Sanctuary of Toal, connected to the Rasteenie mines, which houses statues of all six Priests, and that Adol should return the proper book to each statue in order to learn his purpose on the island.Adol sets off towards the mines with these three goals. In the ruins outside the mines, Adol discovers a staff that grants him the potential to use magic after he touches it to a statue of the Goddesses. An elderly villager who witnesses this tells Adol that the six magics of the Priests of Ys are still scattered around the island and will be of great use in Adol's quest. Inside the mine, Adol quickly finds Dr. Flair and digs him out, delivering the letter from Lilia's mother at the same time. Dr. Flair reads it and tells Adol that he was searching the mine for the ingredients to cure Lilia's illness. In the rest of the mine Adol finds the herbs the doctor needs, as well as several magical spells. He returns to Dr. Flair with the herbs, and Dr. Flair creates a medicine for Lilia. When Lilia finds out that Adol risked his life to get the ingredients for the medicine, she is eternally grateful and swears a life debt to him.When Adol returns the Books of Ys to the statues of the Priests of Ys, the spirits in the statues reveal that demons appeared on Ys at the same time as they appeared down below on the island of Esteria. They also revealed more about the history of Ys, stating that unknowingly, the source of demons was brought with them when they created the floating island 700 years ago around the Shrine of Solomon. Demons were created as a by-product of magic. The demons’ master resides in the Shrine of Solomon, the former home of the Goddesses and Priests of Ys. Adol must find the Goddesses and defeat the evil in the Shrine of Solomon in order to destroy all the demons forever.Adol travels out of Lance towards the shrine at the center of the island, passing through the Glacier of Noltia and the lava filled Moat of Burnedbless, two geographical features created by the Goddesses 700 years ago as an attempted deterrent to demons attacking the shrine. In the moat, Adol discovers the Colony of Lava, whose inhabitants are all initially very hostile to him. Adol is barred from passing the bridge out of the village, but, by using the spells he has learned, he discovers that the bridgekeeper's son's Tarf was kidnapped by demons in order to force the villagers to stop Adol at Lava. Adol rescues the boy with the help of a friendly and intelligent demon named Keith, and is allowed to proceed onward from Lava.Adol finally arrives at the village of Ramia, which stands right outside of the Shrine of Solomon. The past few months, the demons have been kidnapping villagers for use as human sacrifices. Adol meets with an elderly villager, Hadat, whose son, Sada, had recently entered the shrine in an attempt to save his kidnapped fiancée, Maria. Hadat gives Adol advice about the shrine and asks him to attempt to save Sada and Maria.Adol infiltrates the demon filled Shrine of Solomon with the aid of a disguise spell. However, in the middle of the shrine, he is discovered by a dark-cloaked magician named Dalles (recognizable as the dark figure from the introduction cutscene). Dalles is able to see through Adol's disguise and curses Adol with a permanent demonic appearance. Returning to Ramia village to seek help, Adol is able to undo the curse with a help of a Sacred Cup that once belonged to the Priest Hadal. Any water put into it instantly becomes Holy Water, which allows Adol to escape Dalles' curse.Continuing his infiltration of the shrine, Adol discovers the hideout of some kidnapped villagers who had escaped from captivity. Lilia is surprisingly among them, having left Lance Village due to dreams of needing to help Adol in his quest. Dalles once again makes an appearance, thanking Adol for leading him to the escapees, and turns everyone into stone, leaving only Adol unharmed so he would suffer mentally.Undaunted, Adol keeps exploring the rest of the Shrine of Solomon, and again encounters the friendly demon Keith, who tells him that Maria is being held for sacrifice in a nearby bell tower called the Campanile of Lane. Adol enters the bell tower, fighting toward the top, defeating the demon sorceress Zava and seeing Maria along the way. At the top of the tower, Adol attempts to stop the ritual, but Dalles appears again and ensures the sacrifice is not disrupted. Adol then discovers the Dreaming Stone Idol, an artifact that is able to reverse magical petrification. He also notices that Maria has disappeared from where he had just seen her. With the artifact, Adol is able to return the stone villagers (including Sada) to normal before setting off to the innermost core of the shrine. Dalles appears once more to block Adol's way, and the two engage in a fight to the death, with Adol emerging victorious.As Adol heads into the core, he finds that many villagers, all of them descendants of the Priests of Ys, have come to aid him. He also discovers that Maria had survived the sacrificial ritual, thanks to a magical bracelet passed down through her family. Lilia also appears, and provides Adol with a ring that can break the magic barriers barring his way. Right outside the final room, Adol discovers the two Goddesses imprisoned by magic energy. He is taunted by the voice of the master of the demons, who reveals that after 700 years, it has finally broken free of the imprisonment thrust upon it by the Goddesses and the Priests of Ys, and now demons would finally rule the world.Suddenly, Goban Tovah and Luta Gemma from Ys I appear in the room. They had climbed the Tower of Darm after having a dream in which the Goddesses told them Ys was returning to the surface and they were needed. Goban provides Adol with Reah's Silver Harmonica, the sound of which dispels the energy binding the Goddesses. Adol is finally able to meet the Goddesses, who are confirmed to be Feena and Reah.Reah explains the events that had led to this point: 700 years ago, after the demons had been defeated, the Goddesses sealed away the power of the Black Pearl, a great orb that was the source of magic in the society of Ancient Ys, as they had discovered the magic from the Black Pearl had caused the creation of demons as a side effect. The Goddesses also chose to stay behind on the surface of Esteria, and sealed away the magic-enhancing metal Cleria deep in the ground, after which they went into a long slumber. Centuries passed and all was peaceful, but some Cleria was accidentally mined by the inhabitants of Esteria while they were mining silver. This released enough magic to enable Dark Fact to break the seal on the Black Pearl, leading to the events of Ys I.The Goddesses do not have the strength to seal the demons again, and must now rely on Adol to be their champion. With the descendants of the Priests of Ys and the Goddesses present, Adol is lent their power before he faces his final opponent: the sentient form of the Black Pearl, Darm. After a long battle, Adol is able to destroy it, wiping out all the demons in Ys.Adol reappears in the sanctuary of the Goddesses, along with Feena, Reah, and all the descendants of the Priests. They all congratulate him and note that with the Black Pearl destroyed, the floating island of Ys was slowly sinking back to its original position, in the giant crater on Esteria. Tearfully, Feena says goodbye to Adol, as the Goddesses will once again enter a magic sleep to watch over Esteria and make sure the magic from the Black Pearl does not return, and she wished to confess her feelings for him before then, asking him to always remember her. They slowly part ways, as the inhabitants of Ys prepare for a new era, rejoined with the rest of the world.

III. Obelia Bay

Game - Ys X: Nordics

The setting is the northern sea Obelia Bay, which is made up of countless islands big and small. After completing his adventures in the Ancient Kingdom of Ys, young adventurer Adol Christin (17) encounters a maritime people known as “Normans” in this new land. Who are they? And who are the “Griegers,” immortal undead who attack humans…?

IV. Celceta

Game - Ys: Memories of Celceta

In the land of Celceta, Adol Christin, now eighteen, arrives in the town of Casnan with amnesia due to unknown reasons. Then, he meets an information dealer, Duren, who claims to have met him before. Governor-General Griselda, the local ruler, then hires Adol and Duren to explore Celceta and draw a map of it because neither she nor her government has a full map of the area.While exploring the forest, Adol slowly recovers his memories of his previous encounters. He and Duren explore local villages and meet Karna, a warrior from Comodo Village, and Ozma, the village leader from Selray Village. Adol had previously met both but had no memory of meeting them. Both Karna and Ozma join Adol. They also meet antagonistic characters Bami, a witch who had been abducting villagers from Comodo and controlling them with magic masks, including Karna's brother Remnos, and Gadis, a beast tamer who attacked Selray and tried to take their Spardas, beasts the Selray villagers consider sacred. Adol also meets Gruda, an officer of the Romun army, who is sympathetic towards Adol's exploration.Eventually, Adol's group arrives in Highland, a town near something called the Tower of Providence, where a mysterious being, referred to as a "god" by the locals, called Eldeel lives. They also meet Calilica, the daughter of the village chief, and Leeza, an apostle of Eldeel. Leeza explains Adol's memory loss is because of Eldeel, but that he should not have lost all of his memories. With Calilica's help, who also joins the group, they reach the Tower and meet Eldeel, a white winged being. Eldeel reveals he is an actual god and has helped humanity advance in the past, and has also already met Adol, but is currently sick. He briefly transforms into a black winged being with a malevolent personality, demanding Adol return something called the "Mask of the Sun", and passes out, his wings turning white again.Immediately after, Adol and the group return to Highland and find it under attack by Gruda, Bami, Gadis, and an army of masked men, including Karna's brother Remnos, who is acting on his own volition. Adol's group repels the attack, but not before learning the masks Bami created are copies of the Mask of the Sun, which is hidden somewhere in the forest. The group arrives in Danan village and meet Frieda, a warrior from the village. It is revealed Danan is home to a group of Darklings, people who rebelled against the gods centuries ago and are trying to repent for their crimes. Duren reveals he is from Danan and has actually been protecting Adol the entire time. They are also shown that the Mask of the Sun is sealed in Danan. Shortly after, Gruda appears, revealing his is also from Danan and wants to use the Mask to access something called the Akashic Records, or the blueprints of the world, and rewrite reality to benefit humans. Gruda steals the mask and the group, along with Frieda, chase him to Elduke, where the Records are sealed.At Elduke, it is shown Gruda and Eldeel are working together. Using the Mask, they enter Elduke but leave Adol and the group locked outside. They also learn from a being called the Grand Roo of the Mask of the Moon, which can turn Eldeel back to normal. They collect the Mask of the Moon, fighting and defeating Bami and Gadis along the way. Remnos also reveals he was on Adol's side the entire time and tried stopping Gruda's group from the inside but failed. Adol and the group use the Mask of the Moon to enter Elduke and confront and defeat Eldeel, using the moon mask to heal him, sealing away his evil personality. Adol and the party also ultimately defeat Gruda, who had used the Mask of the Sun to absorb the power of the Akashic Records into himself.With no other options, Eldeel has the group destroy the Mask of the Sun by throwing it into Mt. Vesuvio, a volcano. If they destroy the mask, no one else will be able to access the Records again. They fight their way to the volcano. At the top, Adol fights and destroys a shade of Gruda, permanently destroying him. He also succeeds with destroying the mask. Adol is rescued from the volcano before it explodes. In a flashback, Eldeel grants Adol the title of "adventurer", which Adol is referred to subsequently in his adventures. After which the party parts ways and goes on with their regular lives.

V. Felghana

Game - Ys: The Oath in Felghana

Adol Christin, now nineteen years old, and his friend Dogi are on a journey. Passing through a town, they find a gypsy caravan and Dogi has his fortune told. The fortune teller's crystal ball explodes and both Adol and Dogi decide to go to Dogi's hometown of Redmont. Arriving at Felghana by boat, on the way to Redmont, the pair chance upon a wildcat that attacks them, saving Dogi's childhood friend, Elena Stoddart, in the process. Upon arriving, they learn that the townspeople are being threatened by men from nearby Valestein Castle. Always ready for adventure, Adol decides to assume the task of helping them out.Traveling to Tigray Quarry, Adol discovers that there has been a cave-in, and monsters have taken over the quarry. Adol travels deep inside the quarry to rescue Edgar, the mayor of Redmont. After defeating the boss of the Quarry, Ellefale, and claiming the first statue, Adol finds Chester (brother of Elena) threatening Edgar. Adol pulls Edgar back out to the entrance of the quarry and goes back to Redmont. Meeting Elena (formally this time), Adol learns that some statues are being sought by Lord MacGuire, the King of Felghana province (where the game takes place). Another statue is being sought in the Illsburn Ruins, so Adol travels there to retrieve it. Another townsperson, Father Pierre, has gone there as well. Adol gets to an altar of sorts, where he overhears Chester talking with Pierre. After a brief duel with Chester, Adol is caught, and tells Chester that Elena is worried about him. With Lord MacGuire watching, Chester rebuffs Adol and kicks him down into a pit of lava. Battling through monsters, Adol finds a fire dragon, Gilan, and defeats him. The reward gets Adol over a large river of lava by solidifying it. After escaping from the pit, Elena meets Adol at the top of a staircase. She informs him that the statue is indeed hidden further on. He opens a hidden door and fights a Wyvern, claiming the second statue.Upon coming back to the town, Adol meets up with Dogi, who informs him that he is heading off to the mountains and that Edgar wishes to see Adol. Adol meets with Edgar, who informs him that men from Valestein Castle are actively seeking the statues. He informs Adol of a statue in Tigray Quarry. Adol proceeds to the quarry and defeats the monster guarding the third statue. Adol then heads back to Redmont to inform Edgar. Upon arriving at Edgar's house, he interrupts a conversation between Edgar, Lord MacGuire, and Bishop Garland about Galbalan. Galbalan, according to Edgar, is a demon of tremendous power who used to rule over the populace of Felgana a long time ago. He was sealed away by a hero using the four statues. Adol is sent to the Eldarm Mountains to chat with the hermit living there. Adol finds Dogi chatting with the Master up on the mountain. The Master tells Adol that a statue is indeed in the mountains, but inaccessible due to a statue that guards the entrance. Adol travels up the mountain to the peak and defeats a Harpy, gaining the staff that opens the way to the statue. He defeats the guardian Dragon, and claims the fourth and final statue. Chester show up, and tries to force Adol to hand over the four statues. A cave-in interrupts the conversation, and Dogi digs the two men out. Chester is reunited with Dogi, and they converse briefly. Adol and Dogi leave for town, and find it almost deserted, with Mr. Gardner, the town guard, nowhere to be found. Inside the walls, they find Mr. Gardner and some of the townsfolk. Apparently, while Adol and Dogi were in the mountains, soldiers from Valestein Castle came to the town and kidnapped townsfolk in exchange for the statues. Adol converses with Edgar before setting out for the castle.At Valestein Castle, Adol fights his way down to the dungeons where he finds the townspeople and Father Pierre. He tells Pierre to get the people out of the castle, and goes to find Lord MacGuire. On the way to Lord MacGuire's chambers, he comes across Bishop Garland, who taunts Adol. Garland then reveals himself, and Adol defeats him after a lengthy battle. Upon reaching Lord MacGuire, Adol finds that Lord MacGuire is repentant, and is sorry for his actions. He will make reparations for his actions. As Adol goes back across a bridge, he is met by Elena, who congratulates him on beating the soldiers and being a hero. Galbalan, who has reawoken due to the seal of the statues being broken, kidnaps Elena in midair and taunts Adol, telling him to bring the statues to his island fortress. Adol goes back to town, doubting himself. Edgar and Dogi bring Adol back to his senses, and Adol sets off to rescue Elena. Surviving many challenges, Adol comes to a platform where Elena and Chester are talking to each other. Galbalan taunts Chester just as Adol arrives. Adol promises the statues to Galbalan, if he will not harm Chester or Elena. Galbalan agrees, and pulls Adol up to his realm. Adol fights and defeats Galbalan, and rescues Elena.Adol finds out that Chester has gone to the very center of Galbalan's Island, to seal it away. Elena tells Adol that her village and its people are descendants of the man who sealed away Galbalan the first time. Only Chester knows how to sink Galbalan's island, and Adol must not interfere. Adol understands and he and Elena leave the sinking island. The scene shifts to Chester, who is manipulating crystals to sink the island for good. He tells Adol to take care of Elena for him, before sacrificing himself to destroy the island. The island then disappears for good.Back in Redmont, Adol and Dogi are at the Inn getting ready to leave. Dogi tells Adol to go on ahead, as he has something to take care of. They are leaving in the early morning so as to not cause a stir within the community. Dogi is chatting with Elena, who is in love with Adol. Dogi leaves, and Elena almost stays. She then walks out of the Inn. Mr. Gardner is asking Adol what he and Dogi are planning. Mr. Gardner would like Adol and Dogi to stay, but Adol wants to have more adventures. He and Dogi leave, and as they are walking along the shore, Elena runs up and shouts at them. Both Dogi and Adol wave goodbye. Elena cries as text scrolls telling about further adventures waiting for Adol and Dogi.

VI. Xandria

Game - Ys V: Kefin, Lost Kingdom of Sand

Another year after Adol and Dogi's adventures in Felghana, Dogi decided to stay behind to help rebuild his homeland while letting Adol continue adventuring. Now at the age of 20, Adol makes his way over to the Afroca Continent. Upon arriving in the region known as Xandria, and hearing of the vanished desert kingdom of Kefin, he set out to investigate this ancient kingdom's disappearance. Soon after, trouble begins to come over to Adol's way in the form of local soldiers aggressively encountering him. Their captain, Rizze, quickly relieves her guard. While resting at the local pub, he learns of the mysterious "Phantom Kingdom". Not minutes after learning of this, he is summoned by Xandria's most powerful merchant, Dorman. Dorman requests Adol recover six mysterious crystals, a task once attempted by the Xandrian adventurer Stein.This adventure would have Adol time traveling across the region, learning, alchemy, fighting alchemists, and traversing through the harsher desert-like environments of Afroca.

VII. Isle of seiren

Game - Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of dana

A year after the events of Xandria, Adol (21) and Dogi (26) board a passenger ship known as the Lombardia and worked as temporary crews upon the ship. Their next course was to cross the Gaete Sea to reach Eresia and make it to the Altago. Some of the sailors warned the two that Romun and Altago were still at war with one another, making access to the region nearly impossible. As Dogi went back to carrying supplies, Adol was called to see Captain Barbaros. Barbaros shared the stories of the Mysterious Isle of Seiren. He enjoys Adol's spirit as an adventurer and would gladly accompany him to the isle if it is only possible. Before he dismisses Adol, he ordered him to be part of the security that will patrol the perimeters of the ship at night as the festivity goes on.Upon meeting and interacting with various people upon the ship, Captain Barbaros called Adol back to tell him they'll be passing by the Isle of Seiren soon. As fate would have it with Adol, the Lombardia was immediately attacked by the tentacles of a mysterious sea creature. Dogi tosses a sword that Adol obtained in his previous adventure in Xandria, and manages to fend off the beast. Though it wasn't long until more tentacles popped up, bringing the entire ship down.Adol wakes up after being washed ashore upon an island that he's unfamiliar with. Some monsters nearby try to ambush him, but luckily he obtained a rusty sword to deal with them. Despite feeling exhausted, Adol decided to explore the island to search for more survivors. One of them happens to be a Garman noblewoman named Laxia Von Roswell, though their first encounter was... a rather rocky one. Despite her slight annoyance with Adol, she admitted that looking for more survivors together was ideal. They found Captain Barbaros who does indeed confirmed they've washed ashore upon the Isle of Seiren and decides to a make village for any survivors the two find.
Upon exploring a bit more of the island, Adol and Laxia run into a Greshun fisherman named Sahad Nautilus, who gets chased by a deadly-looking beast known as a Primordial. Something that Adol has never encountered in his past adventures. The three manage to take it down, though it wakes back up and leaves the trio for the time being.
Upon returning to the village with Sahad, Adol reunites with Dogi. Captain Barbaros instructs Adol to draw a map as he explores the Isle of Seiren. Laxia and Sahad both insist on helping Adol out as well. Thus beginning another wild adventure for Adol, discovering the island's secrets, finding more castaways, building a ship to escape, and randomly having dreams about a mysterious blue-haired girl named Dana Iclucia who hails from another time period.

Viii. Canaan Islands

Game - Ys Vi: The Ark of napishtim

Taking place two years after his adventure in the Isle of Seiren, 23-year-old Adol gets washed ashore once again on Canaan Islands due to the Vortex of Canaan surrounding it, as well as falling overboard a pirate ship after being attacked by the Romun Fleet. However, he was saved and nursed back to health by the Rehda Priestess, Olha, and her younger sister Isha. The other villagers are awkward to Adol since they don't really trust Eresians (The Rehda's term of calling human foreigners) very much, including Olha and Isha's chieftain uncle, Ord.Upon waking up after being asleep for 3 days, Isha left Adol's equipment nearby, though she fled as soon as he wakes up. Adol soon meets with Olha, who was praying at a nearby altar. She explained more about her tribe and the islands they live on, much to Adol's curiosity. Before he leaves to speak with Oda, Olha warns Adol to not take the villagers' negative opinions about Eresians to heart.
After encountering the villagers, albeit with some mixed reactions, Adol sets off to an area named Quatera Woods, in which monsters inhabited the place. Upon meeting Cheif Oda, he explains to Adol that the bridge to Canaan Island, which is where Eresians that were washed ashore as Adol lives, was broken.
Adol continues to explore more of the woods and runs into Olha, who was at the Fountains of Prayers. She asked Adol if she saw Isha around, and decided to go look for her. Adol was told by a villager that she's usually spotted by the Moonset Shore. Adol makes his way there and finds Isha. He explains that Olha's been looking for her, and Isha made her way back to the village.
While Adol returns as well, he hears a loud crash near the Fountain of Prayer. An Ash Emelas creature called Demi-Galba smashes through the wall, attacking Isha until Adol counters the strike. He tells Isha to get back before battling the huge beast. Adol was able to weaken it, but his blade broke in the process. Just as the beast was ready for round two, Olha strikes an arrow made from a metal called emel that completely destroys it once and for all.
Returning to the village both Olha and Oda thank Adol for saving Isha. Oda rewards him with a blade made from the spirits of wind emel called the Livart to replace the one that broke during battle. Oda explains to Adol that their heirloom called the Mirror of Zeme was stolen on the same day the bridge fell. Oda assumes that it could be located at Canaan Island, and luckily for Adol, the wall that the beast crushed through earlier is actually a tunnel that leads to Canaan. Without hesitation, Adol promises to find the mirror if he spots it during his travels.
And once more, Adol goes on another adventure, encountering more deadly monsters like the one he fought, meeting a new rival that goes by the name Geis, who is a mercenary of sorts. As well as saving both islands from the invasion of the Romun Fleet, led by a general named Ernst.